Made plans for several revenge holidays? Learn how to pack like a pro!
Geotag your luggage
According to an article by The Straits Time^1, more travellers reported missing luggage upon arrival in June 2022. With the surge in lost baggage due to labour shortages in the post-Covid
travel boom, geotagging is a great way to track our check-in luggage.
Geotagging is basically the process of adding geographical coordinate information to anything on our smartphones. And luggage trackers work mainly by means of GPS signal or Bluetooth connection to identify the exact location of our luggage!^2
Essentials to carry on-board
Apart from our passport and valuables, here are some other small items that can make our flight more comfortable.
Lip Balm
At high cruising altitudes of 42,000 feet where there is no moisture in the atmosphere, airplane cabins have extremely low humidity that will most certainly dehydrate our skin. A lip balm will help to keep our lips moisturised throughout the flight. And a lip balm is all the more a must when we travel to winter countries in order to prevent cracked lips.
Eye Mask and Eye Drops
They are an essential especially on long haul flights or red eyed flights. And they are a lifesaver when we travel to summer countries, where the days are long and the nights are short. In fact
during the Summer Solstice in June, the sun will rise fully by 5am and only set after 9pm!
Ear Plugs
Ear plugs are good to have on long haul flights because you never know whether there’ll be kids/babies crying or passengers snoring loudly throughout the whole flight. You also never know how noisy or quiet your place of accommodation will be at your destination. Better to be safe than sorry!
Coin Pouch
It’s a convenient and safer way to keep small change and notes:
Our coins will not be all over the place.
We won’t unknowingly reveal all the cash that we have on hand when we take out small notes from the coin pouch instead of from our wallet that contains the rest of our money.
Essentials to bring overseas
Other than our carry-on luggage, here are some other useful things to pack in our check-in baggage.
Nail Clipper
We never know when we might chip a nail (especially in a dry climate country), and hotels usually do not have nail clippers for us to borrow. In addition, nail clippers can also be used:
As scissors to cut loose threads/tags/zippers.
For self-defence.
First Aid Kit
Basic medication is a must because we never know how our body might react to the different climate, different food, different time zone of the country that we are holidaying in. Medication might also be hard to obtain overseas as compared to in SG where we can even them at the grocery store. And even if we manage to buy them overseas, they might cost a lot more too.
Here are some common items to include in your first aid kit:
Panadol – For fever and body aches.
Charcoal Pills – For tummy upset, diarrhoea, gas.^3
Po Chai Pills – For constipation, vomiting, indigestion.^4
Motion sickness pills – Road conditions vary from place to place (for travel by bus and car) and we might also take different modes of transport (subway, railway, ferry, speedboat) for extended periods of time, or get sick from amusement rides such as roller coasters.
Plasters – Helps protects open wounds from bacterial infection. Waterproof ones won’t be of hindrance while we shower.
Digital portable luggage scale^5
If you tend to shop till you drop when you’re on holiday, a portable luggage scale is highly recommended. Weighing our luggage during our trip allows us to plan how much more shopping we can buy. More importantly, it allows us to buy extra baggage allowance ahead of time. Because paying for overweight luggage at the point of checking in for our flight home, can cost up to 25% more.
Don’t let your holiday be ruined by inconveniences that can be easily avoided. Pack smart to ensure a smooth sailing and worry-free time overseas!