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  • Writer's pictureChloe Tay

An apple a day, keeps anxiety at bay

Singapore holds the top spot in many rankings, from the best airports to the best airlines. However, we also rank highly in other less desirable surveys. In a recent study done by Kisi, Singapore ranked 4th out of 100 for being the World’s Top Overworked Cities in 2022^1. Being overworked is usually accompanied by higher levels of stress and fatigue. How then, can we then cope with that?

#1: Check in on yourself

When anxiety hits, take time for a self check in, ideally when we are alone and in a safe space. The purpose is for us to assess the issues that cause us to feel a certain way, and also to assess the emotions we are experiencing. We can ask ourselves these questions. What am I feeling right now? What makes/causes me to feel this way? How can I make myself feel better? When answering the questions, we are giving ourselves time to think logically. Thinking of a solution can help us to cope with our emotions in that moment, and allow us to continue with our day.

#2: There is always a way

We can’t always control what happens to us, but we will always get to choose how we react. And it’s better to focus on finding a solution, rather than to focus on the problem itself. E.g. gyms were closed during the pandemic, so many people switched to at home workouts instead. Remember, challenging times are only temporary, its how we look and overcome the situation that makes us stronger!

#3: Think, not overthink

During the pandemic, many of us anxiously monitored the daily infection rates, wondering whether the circuit breaker would be extended, how long the social distancing measures would be in place, would there be another lockdown, etc. While it is important that we stayed update-to-date on the rules and regulations that were being revised regularly, but we also had to be careful not to become obsessed and worry excessively about what might or might not have happened next.

#4: Occupy your time with things you enjoy

Having a little me-time is a great way to displace anxious thoughts and release stress. When you are relaxed, your sleep quality also increases, and you are less likely to be easily agitated/irritated. So be sure to regularly set aside quality time with yourself, doing what makes you happy. Perhaps a short walk in the park or a run in the stadium, or reading a book if that’s what you enjoy. Else, go for a dessert or ice cream run. Like they say, when you’re stressed, grab some desserts!

#5: I like to move it move it!

Being physically active is a proven way to keep anxiety at bay. While we exercise, our body releases chemical called endorphins. Endorphin helps to reduce stress and anxiety, improve moods and boost self-esteem^2. Following on point 4, if you have nothing on hand that you really enjoy doing, you might want to try out some exercising. Exercises such as yoga and Pilates can help you to relax the mind and body instead of letting your mind wander off on the negative thoughts.

#6: What’s on your mind?

Hopefully the 5 pointers above can help you to relieve anxiety and stress. But if all else fails, you can always seek help if necessary. Talking to others is a great way of releasing pent up emotions and stress. Consider talking to someone you can confide in but if you wish to seek professional help, here are some ways you can do so.

  • 24 Hour National Care Hotline^3

  • TOUCHline Counselling^3

  • Fei Yue Online Counselling^4

Stress and anxiety have become commonplace in our society and many of us are either suffering in silence, or even unaware that we are overly stressed out. It will be helpful to start practicing mindfulness.

Be kind to people we don’t know, kinder to people we know, and kindest to ourselves.
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